The contest, in its ninth year, has received entries from dozens of composers from different backgrounds, experience levels and countries. A significant fraction of the winners have been composers residing outside the US. The winners receive cash prizes. This year the top cash prize is US$2000. The contest is seeking compositions for small mixed trios and quartets this year. Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2012.
The quality and diversity of contest submissions has been a boon to the workshop's most important resource, its music library. This library houses thousands of works written expressly for brass. Participants ranging in skill from amateur to professional attend the workshop year after year to meet like-minded chamber musicians and be exposed to new material. The composition contest is an important source of new music for the Workshop.
The contest benefits the Workshop, its participants, and the composers. All competition entries are kept in the music library and played by the participants during the Workshop. A publication contract may be offered in addition to the cash prizes.
Contest particulars, including submission directions and guidelines are available on the web at:
Please be sure to note that entries that do not conform to the guidelines will be disqualified.
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