In 2010, there was no local military band in Salisbury's Carnival. Our friends in Wessex Military Band from Dorset were leading the City of Salisbury's Remembrance Parade. We decided to seek support from The Royal British Legion in their 90th year and start our own. It seemed important that a City should have its own band for Civic events. You will see us marching in the Carnival on October 24th and heading the Remembrance Parade on November 9th. These are the band's only regular marching engagements. We will also be playing seated at the Guildhall on November 13th for the WW1 Exhibition and at St Thomas's Christmas Tree Festival at 4pm on December 7th. The band's wind quintet will be playing in Old George Mall on Saturday October 4th from 2pm and during the Christmas Market at various times.
New members, both playing and non-playing are needed for Salisbury's Royal British Legion Band.
Current vacancies exist for Cornets/Trumpets, Alto Saxophone and tuned, kit, timpani and other percussion. Future vacancies in other sections will arise in the new year.
If you would like to find out more please contact us through the website:
by telephone 01722 331163 or come and talk to us at an event. We meet twice a month in Britford on Thursday evenings. There is a break half-way through for free tea and a raffle. There is no subscription but players must become members of The Royal British Legion at a cost of ?15 per annum.
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