"Anybody can write music of a sort. But touching the public heart is quite another thing”. John Philip Sousa
During the 2017 Mid-West Band and Orchestral Clinic held in Chicago, Winds editor, Bruce Hicks had the chance to catch up with the conductor of the U.S Marines Band Colonel Jason K. Fettig.
Of great interest was the Bands presentation on “Making of the March King” This is highly recommended viewing.
"The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band is pleased to make its performances from the 2016 Midwest Clinic available on its YouTube channel.
Selections from both U.S. Marine Band concerts featuring guest trumpet soloist, Tom Hooten, principal trumpet of the Los Angeles Philharmonic:
Making of the March King: The Sousa March in Form, Style, and Performance:
Marine Band Chamber Music Concert:
Midwest Concert Program:
The Marine Band's website also offers a wealth of educational resources, include information about its Concerto Competition for high school musicians (with $2,500 scholarship), March Mania, recordings, open rehearsals and more:
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