“From Little acorns grow mighty oaks.”
This article shows the importance of establishing, developing and nurturing musicians in the Primary school setting. You will read in the next edition of “WINDS” a Q&A interview with Lieutenant Colonel Nick Grace OBE, in one part he laments the lack of music opportunity that he had, we see from this programme what can be achieved in starting little? ”acorns” on their life's journey as a musician.
Archbishop Beck Catholic College Primary School Band Programme
Junior Band Director ? Mr Chris Tratt.
Primary School Band Masterclass
Our second Primary School Band Masterclass took place at Archbishop Beck on Saturday March 4th 2017. Musicians from both Blessed Sacrament Catholic and Longmoor Community Primary Schools took part in a morning of intensive sectional and full band rehearsals that culminated in a massed band performance for family and friends.
Guest Clinician for the morning was Gavin Holden, Bandmaster of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment Band in Liverpool. After the performance Gavin said, “It was such a fantastic opportunity to work with such talented young musicians that were keen to learn and work as a musical team to achieve our main objective of a well-balanced performance with exciting dynamic range, good intonation, listening to each other whilst watching the conductor. This was achieved to great effect, so well done to all the young musicians for a splendid performance for the parent’s concert in the afternoon. We all had fun on the day but this was mixed with enthusiasm and a hunger to learn and achieve. Music is such a powerful medium that brings joy to all and this was clearly vibrant in all the schools involved.”
Friendship Concert
March 2017 proved to be a busy time for the Primary School Band Programme. On Wednesday 22nd the combined bands took part in a ‘Friendship Concert’ with Maghull Wind Orchestra and Archbishop Beck Catholic College Concert Band.
Wirral Music Festival
On Friday March 24th 2017, the Year 6 Band from Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School took part in the Wirral Festival of Music, Speech and Drama. The pieces performed on the night were ‘Bugler’s Dream’ by Leo Arnaud and ‘Samba de Soleil’ by Roland Barrett. As a result of their hard work and preparation, the band achieved 1st place with a mark of 85.
A Concert Only a Parent Could Love
2016/2017 also saw a number of beginners concerts at Blessed Sacrament Catholic and Longmoor Community Primary Schools. ‘A Concert Only a Parent Could Love,’ gave our beginner musicians the opportunity to showcase their hard work as both soloists and as part of their school band since beginning tuition in November 2016.
Archbishop Beck Family Fun Day
2016/2017 also saw a number of beginners concerts at Blessed Sacrament Catholic and Longmoor Community Primary Schools. ‘A Concert Only a Parent Could Love,’ gave our beginner musicians the opportunity to showcase their hard work as both soloists and as part of their school band since beginning tuition in November 2016.
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