Recently, the eminent conductor, Timothy Reynish was awarded with a doctorate from an American University; a belated recognition of unstinting service to the world of wind bands and the training of their very necessary conductors. With Tim's recent appointment as President of Northamptnshire Orchestral Winds, it seems just as logical for Tim to have some regular involvement with local musicians in Northamptonshire.
This clinic is the first opportunity for people in Northampton, and the surrounding areas to benefit and learn from Tim Reynish, who is the most influential and well known wind band conductor in the world. The clinic will field three wind orchestras of different levels, grade 1 - 4, 4 - 7, and grade 8 professional (UK exam grades); with music from Adam Gorb, Derek Bourgeois, Fergal Carroll, and Percy Grainger, and remember all are welcome, just apply through the NOW website:
Northamptonshire Orchestral Winds is a Community Wind Orchestra College, providing an affordable opportunity for ordinary people to access wind band instrument training. Andrew, bassoonist, studied conducting under Tim Reynish, and it is partly through Tim's inspiration that NOW was born in October 2005.
For more information about how you can be involved in NOW's activities please visit their website.
This event is part funded by BASBWE
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