Every few weeks, shiny new email newsletters are produced and emailed to the BASBWE membership, as there is so much going on in our banding world that we can't fit it all into Winds each quarter! It's also a way of keeping everyone up-to-date on a more regular basis and I hope that those of you who read them (and hopefully pass them onto others) find them interesting and informative.
We are looking to continue to expand this in the future, so if you are interested in helping us make this a success, please forward on the newsletter when you receive it using the link on the bottom that simply says 'Forward this link'; it will open up a short form which you can personalise and provide emails for everyone you think might be interested.
Alternatively, you can encourage people to join via the button on our official Facebook page, which now has nearly 1,400 followers:
Contact John Holland on:
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