Sunday, October 30, 2011 - Monday, October 31, 2011
Competition is open to all composers. Compositions should be unpublished, original and unedited and not be a copy or version of any existing composition. All designated instruments shall be used in the work. All entries must be received by 31 October 2011 and jury's decision will be announced before the end of the year 2011. Entries should be sent to: Exmo, Ayuntamiento de Torrevieja, Instituto Municipal de Cultura "Joaquin Chapaprieta Torregrosa", Registro - Oficina Prop - C/Hermanos Bazan, 6, 03181 Torreieja - Alicante - Espana.
A single prize of ?15,000 will be offered the winner. The winning composition will receive its premier during a special concert by the "Union Musical Torrevejense"
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