We are are striving to keep the website updated with content, such as reviews, news and features. If you have anything you would like to submit to BASBWE, either for use on www.basbwe.net or in our Winds magazine, please email us at:
Membership Subscriptions
Have you paid your 2013 membership subscription? BASBWE survives on your membership fees and we use them to run BASBWE promoted events, help bands fund commissions (such as Kenneth Hesketh's Danceries II - commissioned by Birmingham Symphonic Winds), fund bands wishing to run clinics (recent examples include Archbishop Beck, Liverpool, and Northampton Orchestral Winds) and a host of other things.
If you haven't paid your 2013 subscription, or if you would like to join BASBWE, please visit our membership page (using the menu above)
BASBWE are keen to help fund your commissions, clinic/workshop days, courses and, in some cases, concert performances. Details as to how to apply, guidelines and more information can be found on this website.
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