National Band Association 2013 Thirty-Seventh Annual NBA/William D. Revelli Memorial Band Composition Contest
REQUIREMENTS: A work for Concert Band/Wind Ensemble with no restrictions as to style, form or length. Instrumentation must be for Concert Band/Wind Ensemble.
ENTRY MATERIALS: Full score (pdf and hard copy) plus both a mp3 recording and CD recording (required) of specified instrumentation. The recording must be of a live concert band or wind ensemble. (Note: No midi, electronic, or synthesizer-type files, please.)
AWARD: $2,000
ENTRY DEADLINE: November 1, 2013
FORMS & INFORMATION: Dr. Matthew McCutchen (E-mail:
Attn: NBA Composition Contest
School of Music
University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Ave., MUS 101, Tampa, FL33620
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