Page 11 - index
P. 11

Rushing, dragging, wrong rhythms, composite rhythms
            1. RHYTHM

              - have a system for counting/make sure you’re all speaking the same language
              - establish the pulse (conducting, metronome, drummer)
              - show subdivisions and how rhythm fits within those subdivisions
              - improve conducting baton technique
              - adjust the music for rehearsal – remove ties, ornamentation, change articulations
              - rehearse slowly – return to performance tempo incrementally

                                                       Melody can’t be heard over accompaniment or chords are out of balance
            2. BALANCE

              - have the melody play alone so everyone can hear the melody
              - isolate and balance the chords within and between sections
              - pyramid (lower parts play louder – assign dynamics)
              - adjust the seating – parts on the outside will be heard more
              - stack the sections – put better players on the lower parts, put more players on lower parts

                                                                                               Voices are sticking out
            3. BLEND

              - work on intonation and balance
              - all must play with a characteristic sound (air and ear)
              - use a tuner
              - have the ensemble sing
              - play chorale or slow, tuneful, tutti selections that are easy enough to concentrate on the sound rather than the technique
              - must establish and continually reinforce

                                                                                  Too loud, too soft, not enough variation
            4. DYNAMICS

              - use a numbering system – 1 (pp) through 5 (ff)
              - analogy of a big volume knob or slider
              - work on dynamics in the warm-up
              - improve conducting baton technique and demand response from the ensemble


                                                                     Playing in the wrong style (note length and articulation)
            5. STYLE

              - sing (conductor and ensemble)
              - model for the ensemble (sing and play)
              - listen to live and recorded examples
              - develop an arsenal of articulations (marcato, staccato, legato) at all dynamic levels
              - explain music as motion, identify the target pitches

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