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P. 32

Andy Scott Reflects

      When Bill Connor asked me ‘what have you been        The amazing singer Matt Ford is currently working
      up to in lockdown?’ I gave it a lot of thought and   for his local County Council, in the highways
      the following words are about people and music.      department. He’s quite taken with his high-vis
      If you are interested in my creative output over     orange jacket! He realised early on that to support
      the last year or two then please pay a visit to my   his family he needed to find an alternative job
      website;  Rather than           (Matt works as a soloist with orchestras and big
      seem to be too negative at times, I’d ask that       bands).
      when you read the word ‘fine’ that it actually
      means ‘sh*t’.                                        My wife is a brilliant harpist and composer, and
                                                           with our daughter studying for a Masters at
      Since the lockdown in March 2020 due to Covid-19  Manchester University and our son graduating
      I have known three people that have died of the      in July from the RNCM, we were fortunate to find
      virus (including my father-in-law), plus a dozen     ourselves all sharing the family home since last
      other friends that have contracted it, and my        Summer. We’re incredibly lucky to have a house
      brother now suffers from diabetes as an after-       that has enough space for all four of us to get on
      effect of this virus. The nurses in the care home    with what we all do. For our son this has meant
      looking after my father-in-law were amazing,         that he has started to focus on music production
      many of them sleeping at the work place as they      (Logic & Ableton), playing bass on his tracks as
      didn’t want to risk passing the virus onto family    well as recording bass guitar for others. From
      at home. My wife didn’t have an opportunity to       October he is co-running a new recording studio.
      say goodbye to her father and we had a socially-     In this respect he’s landed on his feet and I do
      distanced funeral. Thousands of families world-      really feel for recent graduates who were just
      wide have experienced the same, but we have to       about to embark on a freelance music career.
      continue with life, yet under circumstances that     Although it’s fine at the moment, we need to
      are fine.                                            focus our ideas and work on a strategy that will
                                                           hopefully see us through it. My priority during
      Throughout my 31 years as a professional             lockdown has been with family and friends, an
      musician I have had the privilege to know and        awareness of mental health, stress and the need
      work with some amazing people, and what              to have a change of environment, even if it’s just
      personalities and characters we have in the          for a walk.
      wonderful world of music! Overnight though
      the music business was decimated as a result of      As the new academic year approaches for music
      Covid-19 and the resulting lockdown. 90+% of my      conservatoires and universities I have to say that
      work is spent performing, writing commissions        I am so impressed with the thought and attention
      and instigating and developing creative projects     to safety and detail that the RNCM has given to its
      plus I teach one day a month at the Royal            students and staff. Two teaching rooms converted
      Northern College of Music where I am Tutor of        into one with a full perspex screen separating
      Saxophone and Visiting Tutor of Composition. I       student and teacher, all with high-quality
      am glad that as a self-employed musician that I      microphones and monitors, which were tested
      could claim furlough payments on two occasions.      by staff during the summer break. Whilst the
      This has given me a little breathing space finan-    experience for the student can’t be the same as it
      cially while planning how to create some income.     would be under usual circumstances, it’s not far
                                                           off. Imagine what it would have been like without
      I spoke with two lifelong friends, both West End     zoom, skype etc. The implications actually don’t
      musicians, who currently have no income and          bear thinking about for education.
      London mortgages, now that’s really fine. They’re
      living off savings and might start looking for a
      non-music related jobs.

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