Page 41 - index
P. 41

Joined  by  conducting  tutors  Bjørn  Sagstad,
         Alberto Roque & Clark Rundell, Mark compiled
         a busy schedule for  the  few days including
         seminars  on topics such  as Basic  Technique
         and  the  ConductIT Project,  Score Study,
         Performing  Jazz-Influenced  Repertoire  and
         Effective Rehearsal. As always, the most useful
         part  of the  course  for self-development
         was time conducting in front of a tutor and                        Although  conceived  and  presented
         receiving  feedback.  At  the  RNCM,  we  had                      during the depths of lockdown the few
         discovered during  lockdown  that  this  was                       days were very close to the experiences
         a  proven  way to continue  developing  your            of  years  gone  by.  The only major
         conducting  skills via Zoom, even  though  it                      difference  was  that  there  obviously
         meant  having to sing-along  to the  music!                        wasn’t a live ensemble to conduct and so
                                                                            you couldn’t experiment with different
         We were split into smaller groups and, with a                      gestures or ideas. My colleagues and I all
         different tutor each time, received feedback                       agreed that, for a 3 day course in the virtual
         and  tuition  for  about  15-20mins  each.  The                    sphere,  it  was informative,  fun  and
         repertoire  was  varied;  Holst’s Suite  in  Eb,                   exceeded any expectations.
         Grainger’s Lincolnshire  Posy,  Stravinsky’s
         Octet  for  Wind Instruments,  Gorb’s  Yiddish                     We  also enjoyed  meeting  other
         Dances,  Aagaard-Nilsen’s Fraxinus  Excelsior                      members  of the  Armed  Forces and
         and a new arrangement by Malcolm Binney of                         hearing about their experiences.
         Mussourgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Video
         performances from past years were played for                       Personally,   the    Sherborne    Wind
         all to enjoy (and comment on!) and we were also                    Conducting  course has developed  my
         invited to provide our own media of rehearsals                     skills astronomically  over the  years
         / performances that we had produced in the                         and  without  it  I don’t  think  I would
         past  for  tutors to provide feedback  on too.                     have the broad knowledge and assured
                                                                            confidence  for  me  to  pursue  a  career
         The final official part of the schedule each day                   in such a role. But, here I am, writing
         was “Wine-Time” where everyone was invited                         this  article  as the  Director of  Music
         to grab a drink and sit and listen to external                     of  the Band of  Her Majesty’s  Royal
         visitors. We  were  honoured to hear  from                         Marines Scotland and I have a lot to be
         world-renowned  composers  Adam  Gorb and                          thankful for.
         Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen as they discussed their
         work and creative processes. To conclude the                       Capt TP Griffin RM
         day, we reconvened after dinner to socialise;                      Director of Music
         resembling the usual gathering spent in a local                    Band of HM Royal Marines Scotland
         pub  in  Sherborne,  the  Digby  Tap.  Although
         these were optional sessions, they were a great                    For an exceptional career in the Royal
         way to get to know each other and we even                       www  Marines Band Service
         took part  in  a  specially  commissioned  quiz!         

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