Page 38 - index
P. 38

Thoughts of  a




         by PeteHarrison

        I can’t begin to explain how it felt sitting in my dressing   My Wells Cathedral School bassoon students slowly came to
        room in Portsmouth’s Guildhall in early March 2020       terms with this new method of  teaching, some even finding
        gathered around a laptop waiting to hear the results of  it better on occasions. I know that I became a much more
        the latest COBRA meeting.                                organised teacher as I found it much more difficult to
                                                                 effectively fill any ‘spare’ time on Zoom, so I made sure we
        I was sat with the Chief  Executive and the Head of      used every second to the full. Something that I hope I’ve
        Marketing of  the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra         carried on with, now we’re able to have limited ‘in person’
        while the orchestra were gathering for a short rehearsal  time with our students.
        before I was due to conduct the third of  our Hollywood
        Head to Head concerts. We really weren’t sure if  the    Once the initial shock of  the situation was over, I had a quiet
        concert was going ahead or if  it would have been safer  word with myself  as I have often dreamed of  a time when
        to pull it there and then. Fortunately, it did go ahead,  there was no time pressure to have scores learned, presentation
        but it’s ironic that the leader and I both pulled away   written, arrangements finished and concerts programmed –
        from the public handshake and bumped elbows instead -    and here it finally was (and the sun was shining which did
        partially as a light-hearted moment, but now we realise  make everything more bearable...)
        with a serious undertone.
                                                                 My new to-do list ran as follows;
        That was the last public performance for me along with
        so many of  my musician friends (both freelance and      LISTENING. I really enjoyed the time to sit and listen to
        employed), singers and actors too. We all watched our    a lot more music, both for pleasure and for work research
        diaries swiftly clearing themselves leaving us snow-blind   purposes. There were so many ‘rabbit-holes’ I fell into from
        from staring at endless white pages. We then listened as  obscure film scores through to contemporary wind music - I
        we were told we ‘must’ stay at home and all schools and   have been at the helm of  both the National Youth Wind
        many businesses were to close, and people were to work   Orchestra of  Wales and the Wells Cathedral School Wind
        from home.                                               Orchestra recently, so the chance to plan any possible future
                                                                 concerts was a joy.
        We all suddenly became experts at using a previously
        unknown piece of  software called Zoom, as we bellowed   This is a point that I often make to younger folks I see, the
        at our students endlessly asking them to unmute          access we have to music these days is just remarkable. I
        themselves and trying to de-cypher the music they        remember as a kid, the bus ride into Bristol carrying my
        were playing. Were they being un-rhythmic or was         record player stylus so I could join the Music Lending Library
        that the poor internet connection between us             – then bringing the records home and listening to them for
        inexplicably pausing them in the middle of  a phrase     the few days I was allowed before the return bus ride. Now
        then dumping the remainder of  the notes at our feet     I just pick up my mobile, type in the name of  the piece or
        at twice the speed?                                      composer and I can choose from 100s of  performances.

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